Saturday, 31 March 2012

MVC2 upload file via model

I have been wondering about binding upload file using model in ASP.NET MVC2 or MVC3

Usual implementation that I have seen in controller is using HttpPostedFileBase, that exposes the file(s) from request to the user where implementation can be as follows

public ActionResult AcceptFile(HttpPostedFileBase submittedFile)
            var inputStream = submittedFile.InputStream;
            var contentLenght = submittedFile.ContentLength;
            var fileName = submittedFile.FileName;
            var contentType = submittedFile.ContentType;
            return View();

The alternative is using classic upload example where possible implementation can be:

public ActionResult UploadFile(HttpPostedFileBase uploadFile)
            if (uploadFile.ContentLength > 0)
                string filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("../Uploads"),
            return View();

So after little research I came out with following implementation as I wanted to have one implementation which i can use in more places, without the code repetition.

I can add custom model binders into Global.asax

ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(MyCustomBinderModel), new MyCustomBinderModel());

after this will be looking like:

protected void Application_Start()
    ModelBinders.Binders.Add(typeof(MyCustomBinderModel), new MyCustomBinderModel());

and finally the implementation in Controller is

public ActionResult UploadFile(MyCustomBinderModel uploadModel){

  //do your  upload stuff with uploadModel

Friday, 23 March 2012

Unexpected error while launching Selenium SE

Unexpected error while launching Selenium SE

I have come across a error while setting up selenium tests on server using Internet Explorer v8.

The test has been failing with following error:

Unexpected error launching Internet Explorer. Protected Mode must be set to the same value (enabled or disabled) for all zones. (NoSuchDriver)

This caused me to wonder, as I know that i have the driver otherwise it would not work on my local PC.
After research i have found the solution. The privacy settings has to be updated.

Go to your internet explorer => Tools (IE9 click alt to display menu) => Internet Options

Select Tab Security and un-tick "Enable protected mode" in all tabs. As far I understand the process, this will enable web driver to send commands into the browser.

IE security settings
Internet Explorer

You might have to ask you administrator to do this for you.

TFS red cross by project / solution

There is an issue which can arise with Visual Studio 2010 Team Explorer where the TFS project node will not expand. There is a red cross on the project node to indicate that it hasn't loaded correctly.

In addition, it is not possible to publish your web applications.

Both of these issues are caused by the same root problem.

Visual studio uses an internet explorer dll to do certain things, and it can happen that this dll becomes unregistered.

Simply open a normal command prompt (does not need to be a Visual Studio command prompt) and enter the following

regsvr32 "C:\Program Files (x86)\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll" or
regsvr32 "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\ieproxy.dll"

Depending on your version of Windows.

Unlock databases and stop tfs services

CMD TO C:\Program Files\Microsoft Team FoundationServer 2010\Tools on server and run commands below

TFSServiceControlquiesce <<<<<<<<<<<<<< UNLOCK DATABASES, STOPS TFS SERVICES

TFSConfig RemapDBs/DatabaseName:basv-bds-001;TFS_Configuration /SQLInstances:basv-bds-001/Continue

TFSConfig Accounts/ResetOwner /SQLInstance:basv-bds-001 /DatabaseName:Tfs_Configuration

TfsConfig Accounts/add /AccountType:ApplicationTier /account:KCTC\TFSService/SQLInstance:basv-bds-001 /DatabaseName:Tfs_Configuration

TFSConfig RemapDBs/DatabaseName:basv-bds-001;TFS_Configuration /SQLInstances:basv-bds-001/Continue

TFSConfig registerDB/sqlInstance:basv-bds-001 /databaseName:Tfs_Configuration

TFS Mvc does not exists in the namespace


The type or namespace name 'Mvc' does not exist in the namespace 'System.Web' (are you missing an assembly reference?)

And solution is:

Install mvc framework into your pc / server where you are running the build.

I came to the conclusion because of sugestion here: