Wednesday, 25 September 2013

PowerShell creating database and associating login

I have been working on droping new database as part of my continuous deployment implementation.
For this I have needed to create couple powerhsell scripts.

Here is one example (prototype how it works)

Note: it needs tidy up.

$Instance   = ".\SQLEXPRESS"
$LoginName  = "Login name"
$Password   = "loginPassword"
$DBName     = "Database"

#Get the server object
$srv = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Server") $instance

        $varDBUser = "Usern"
        $varDBPassword = "password"
        $srv.ConnectionContext.LoginSecure = $false
        $srv.ConnectionContext.Login = $varDBUser
        $srv.ConnectionContext.Password = $varDBPassword

#Get the login object if it exists
$Login = $srv.Logins.Item($LoginName)

IF (!($Login))  #check to see if login already exists
   Write-Host " login does not exists, creating"

 #it doesn't, so instantiate a new login object
    $Login = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.Login") ($Server, $LoginName)

    #make it a SQL Login
    $Login.LoginType = [Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.LoginType]::SqlLogin

    #Create it on the server with the specified password


#Get the database object
$DB = $srv.Databases[$DBName]
#Get the user object if it exists
$User = $DB.Users[$LoginName]

if (!($User)) # check to see if the user is already in the database
    #it doesn't, so add it
    $User = New-Object ("Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.SMO.User") ($DB, $LoginName)
    $User.Login = $LoginName

Monday, 23 September 2013

Running referenced powershell scripts from teamcity build.

I have been tasked  with creating automation for build process using PowerShell and TeamCity.

I have had multiple functions that I wanted to call in multiple steps, but the one issue had problem with was error:

[15:50:43][Step 7/8] .\ExecuteScripts.ps1 : The term '.\ExecuteScripts.ps1' is not recognized
[15:50:43][Step 7/8] as the name of a cmdlet, function, script file, or operable program. Check the
[15:50:43][Step 7/8] spelling of the name, or if a path was included, verify that the path is
[15:50:43][Step 7/8] correct and try again.
[15:50:43][Step 7/8] At \Path\RunUmbracoInstallation.ps1:5 char:1
[15:50:43][Step 7/8] + .\ExecuteScripts.ps1

This is so helpfull that I had to find way around it.
I have created basic file (test.ps1 - first version) that I have been able to execute from team build process.

After this step have been executing correctly though TeamCity.
I have set up permissions on powershell for user account under which teamcity agent run to FullControl.

File: test.ps1 - first version

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $arg1,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $arg2

function PowerShellTest{
    Write-Host -fore Magenta "Executing function powershell test with arguments:"
    Write-host -fore Cyan "arg1:$arg1  arg2:$arg2"


File: test.ps1 - final version

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $arg1,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $arg2

 <# ========== Loading required files ============ #>
$commons =Join-Path (Get-ScriptDirectory)"test2.ps1"

<# ========== Loading required files ============ #>

function PowerShellTest{

    Write-Host -fore Magenta "Executing function powershell test with arguments:"
    Write-host -fore Cyan "arg1:$arg1  arg2:$arg2"

    PowerShellTest2 -arg1 $arg1 -arg2 $arg2

function Get-ScriptDirectory
    $Invocation = (Get-Variable MyInvocation -Scope 1).Value
    Split-Path $Invocation.MyCommand.Path


File: test2.ps1

function PowerShellTest2{  

        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $arg1,
        [Parameter(Mandatory=$True)] [string] $arg2

    Write-Host -fore Magenta "Executing function powershell test2:"
    Write-host -fore Cyan "arg1:$arg1  arg2:$arg2"

Now build configuration

  1. that script arguments do not have staring - before and value is in quotes.
  2. Powershell run mode: is defined as to what version of my PS and x64 is as my server version

After running agent again I do get results as:

 Execute PS Test script (Powershell)
[18:14:36][Step 8/8] Starting: Path\powershell.exe -NoProfile -NonInteractive -ExecutionPolicy ByPass -File PathToWorkDirectory\test.ps1 arg1="Test1" arg2="2Test2"
[18:14:36][Step 8/8] in directory: PathToWorkDirectory\
[18:14:37][Step 8/8] Executing function powershell test with arguments:
[18:14:37][Step 8/8] arg1:arg1=Test1 arg2:arg2=2Test2
[18:14:37][Step 8/8] Executing function powershell test2:
[18:14:37][Step 8/8] arg1:arg1=Test1 arg2:arg2=2Test2
[18:14:37][Step 8/8] Process exited with code 0

I have managed to do this thanks to this blog article.

Thursday, 19 September 2013

PowerShell - Usefull commands

Update help definition  from online.

You need to run this command under administrator rights.

PS C:\Windows\system32> Update-Help
(I have read, that it gets updated almost every week)

PowerShell can run with wildcards : *

PS C:\Windows\system32> help *service*

Name                              Category  Module                    Synopsis                                                                                                               
----                              --------  ------                    --------                                                                                                               
Get-Service                       Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Gets the services on a local or remote computer.                                                                       
New-Service                       Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Creates a new Windows service.                                                                                         
New-WebServiceProxy               Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Creates a Web service proxy object that lets you use and manage the Web service in Windows PowerShell.                 
Restart-Service                   Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Stops and then starts one or more services.                                                                            
Resume-Service                    Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Resumes one or more suspended (paused) services.                                                                       
Set-Service                       Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Starts, stops, and suspends a service, and changes its properties.                                                     
Start-Service                     Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Starts one or more stopped services.                                                                                   
Stop-Service                      Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Stops one or more running services.                                                                                    
Suspend-Service                   Cmdlet    Microsoft.PowerShell.M... Suspends (pauses) one or more running services.         

Get full help information about command including examples

PS C:\Windows\system32> help Get-Service -full

What version of PowerShell do I have Installed

  1. $PSVersionTable
  2. $host.version

Get gui for command

PS C:\Windows\system32> Show-Command Start-Process

Get members of commands:

This command shows all information what all I can get get.

PS D:\Scripts> get-service | get-member

PowerShell function parameters
If you are using parameters use param definition in function instead in bracets of the function name:

function WebConfig-SetAppConfigValueForKey{

Executing script path

If you are executing script you will be able to get path of the script which gets executed.

function Test(){
    $scriptpath = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path
    write-host $scriptpath


If you execute the script without file you will get null

Tuesday, 10 September 2013

Could not open Source file: Could not find a part of the path Web.config; \umbraco\Xslt\Web.config'

I am using Team city as my build server, and web deploy in order to create my deploy package.

I have received error message:

My error message that is on Build server

[09:31:02]Step 1/1: Publish & Deploy (MSBuild) (47s)
[09:31:05][Step 1/1] Website.Web.UI\Website.Web.UI.csproj.teamcity: Build targets: Build;Package (45s)
[09:31:50][Website.Web.UI\Website.Web.UI.csproj.teamcity] AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStringsCore
[09:31:50][AutoParameterizationWebConfigConnectionStringsCore] ParameterizeTransformXml
[09:31:50][ParameterizeTransformXml] D:\Program Files (x86)\MSBuild\Microsoft\VisualStudio\v11.0\Web\Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets(2352, 5): Could not open Source file: Could not find a part of the path 'D:\41fe9571fcaca9a1\Website.Web.UI\umbraco\Xslt\Web.config;

[09:31:50][Website.Web.UI\Website.Web.UI.csproj.teamcity] Project Website.Web.UI\Website.Web.UI.csproj.teamcity failed.
[09:31:50][Step 1/1] Step Publish & Deploy (MSBuild) failed

I have found 2 cases which cause this error.

This happens because of web.deploy is running web.config transformation changes. By default the web.config is set to build as content.

Solution 1 - Svn issue

Issue has been that I have had 2 sources loading data.
One:Source check out from repository
Second:Artefacts used from previous steps.

Use only one source for build and error goes away.

Solution 2 - Web.config transform

Find the file in your solution(project). in my case it is:"D:\41fe9571fcaca9a1\Website.Web.UI\umbraco\Xslt\Web.config".
Go to the properties of the file (Alt + Enter)

Update your configuration.

Set your "Build Action" to  None or Content

This means that there will be no transform on this config, usual configuration is compile.


Saturday, 7 September 2013

AngularJS Chrome Disable same origin policy

I case you have problem loading template files in chrome: 
open your console.
Make sure you have closed chrome before running following command.

Chrome.exe --allow-file-access-from-files
Now open your chrome again and your scripts should work.

Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Rendering from variable html using jquery template

I started to use template for rendering my code from json responses.
Everything work great if you do not have html in the variables.

Supposed documentation should be here:

I could not find it.

Modifying example from github:

I have found example how to achieve this here.

I have not been able to make this work.
Finally I have  found out that the correct syntax is:

${Name} =>{{html Name}}
 Note that there is no longer: $.

Source for this example:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html xmlns="">
    <script src="Scripts/jquery-2.0.3.js"></script>
    <script src="Scripts/jQuery.tmpl.js"></script>
        table { border-collapse:collapse; margin:8px; background-color:#f8f8f8; }
        table td { border:1px solid blue; padding:3px; }
    <script type="text/javascript">
        $(document).ready(function() {

            var movies = [
                { Name: "The Red Violin<strong>test</strong>", ReleaseYear: "1998", Director: "François Girard" },
                { Name: "Eyes Wide Shut", ReleaseYear: "1999", Director: "Stanley Kubrick" },
                { Name: "The Inheritance", ReleaseYear: "1976", Director: "Mauro Bolognini" }

            var markup = "<tr><td colspan='2'>{{html Name}}</td><td>Released: ${ReleaseYear}</td><td>Director: ${Director}</td></tr>";

            /* Compile markup string as a named template */
            $.template("movieTemplate", markup);

            /* Render the named template */
            $("#showBtn").click(function () {
                $.tmpl("movieTemplate", movies).appendTo("#movieList");

        <button id="showBtn">Show movies</button><br/>
        <table><tbody id="movieList"></tbody></table>
